
What are headphones?

When you go on the subway you notice people wearing headphones. They are listening to their choice of music without bothering anyone else. Headphones are great for listening to sound without causing others inconvenience. Headphones are described as electroacoustic transducers, which convert electricity to sound, or you can simply see them as mini-speakers.

Speakers were first to allow people to catch events through audio they are not able to attend. Nathaniel Baldwin created a prototype in 1910 and they U.S Navy jumped to claim some of his products. Although many could see the potential of the headphone it never took off because it had poor sound quality. It wasn’t until John C. Koss created the first stereo headphones in 1958 to allow for more commercial use. Previously only professionals in the communication industry would use headphones.

Most headphones are made of five parts. The most noticeable part is the headband. The headband serves to connect the two speakers and provide comfort while securely holding the headphone to the head. Most headbands also have extensions that allow you customize the position of the speakers. The most important part is the speakers that allow you to hear audio through electrical signals. Cushions cover the side of the speakers to provide comfort to the users. The cable and headphone jack allow for the transfer of electric signals to the speakers.

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