
Headphone design and cushioning.

There are four main aspect in determining the comfortability of a headphone. These aspects revolve on how customizable a headphone is and the application of force on the head.

The first aspect is the ear cup extension. Not all headphones have this feature, but those that do allow the movement of speakers up and down. This allows the user to find their best fit. If the headphone isn’t able to fit over the user’s ear then there will be a loss of sound production. This can also lead to pain because the earphone is pressing on the edge of the ear.

The second aspect is the clamping force of the headphone. Headphones need to be stay on the head without causing pain with long term use. The headphone shouldn’t be falling off the head with basic movements such as a head shake. It also shouldn’t be choking the head because it will cause pain on soft tissue. Most headphones will be tough at the beginning and requires use to fit such as brand new sneakers. Don’t be afraid to stretch the headphone to loosen the grip.

The third aspect is the size and depth of the ear cup. Ears come in different shapes and sizes and manufacturers have to design around this. The ear cup should fit around the entire ear for best results and comfortability. The depth of the ear cup should allow the user to not feel the speaker. Touching the speaker might be a deal breaker for some and if it doesn’t then there will be discomfort. A headphone should follow human anatomy for best results.

The final aspect is cushioning. Most headphones use foam for cushion. These foams may be memory foam or just standard foam. Typically more foam is better for comfortability. The cushion should allow for air flow and soft springiness. Air flow allows the ear to not feel stuffy and humid, but this may compromise sound quality. The cushion shouldn’t compress and provide some push back against your head. This prevents the ear from touching the hardware.

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